P7 – 2022/23

Welcome to P7, Class of 22/23

Here is our termly overview, we have loads of things to look forward to over the coming weeks!

Term 4 Overview – P7


We are currently doing a VERY exciting project for our Cross-Curricular world, which this term is ‘Our Creative World’.  We are working alongside two artists to create our own art, based around the theme of ‘Positive Relationships’.  We have decided to call our project OUR CONFIDENT CANVAS!  We have started considering ideas for our final project while learning lots of new skills!


We are well on our way with our AFCCT mini game sessions.  This week we have been trying our developed skills on our classmates, in preparation for taking different groups of people in the upcoming weeks!  We have been learning how to lead others by using metaskills such as communication, collaboration, leadership and creativity!