P4FM – 2022/23

Stick measuring

The rain stopped for a while to let us spend time in the messy garden gathering sticks but we had to go inside to do the measuring. First we estimated their length then used tape measures to check (some accurate, others not so much!) Then we ordered the sticks from longest to shortest like a stack of pancakes – or a Christmas tree, as someone pointed out!

Shrove Tuesday

Pancake day can only mean one thing – and we had a lot of fun making these salt dough pancakes! We used our maths skills to weigh out the ingredients then measure the width of the finished product. Some of them looked good enough to eat!

Our Creative World

Look at all this creativity on show! The pupils were given a choice of materials to get creative with and the results were as fantastic as they were varied. Some are not quite finished yet so watch this space!

25th January

The whole school ceilidh was great fun! P4 did incredibly well dancing the Gay Gordons and we enjoyed watching all of the other classes too. Taking a whole class photo presented a few challenges!

Scots Poetry

Well done to everyone who learned a poem to recite in front of the class – you were fantastic!

Our Engineering World: Structural Engineers

We worked in groups to create marble runs with a Chinese New Year theme. Then we invited some P5’s to test them out!

Big shout out to the pupils who painstakingly took the time to peel off the masking tape before putting the paper in the recycling!

A trip to South Korea

Thankyou to Primary 5FK for taking us on a whistle stop tour of all things South Korean this week. We learned about food, landmarks, geography, martial arts and technology – to name a few!

Winter wonderland

P4FM didn’t just visit the messy garden – they went to Narnia! Lots of rosy cheeks and laughter in beautiful surroundings.

German food tasting was wunderbar!

Look at all that food! Can you believe it all disappeared, leaving only a crumb of pretzel? Suffice to say, the experience got a huge thumbs up! Sad faces at the end!

Judy Murray

How lucky were we to have a tennis lesson from a VIP?! We had lots of fun honing our tennis skills with such an experienced coach. Judy was able to meet William – whose competition entry was the winning design – and learn that one of her activities has been named “fish and chips” by the Hazlehead pupils!

Letters to a friend

We all wrote a letter to someone in a care home or who lives alone, in the hope that it might brighten their day. Who knows, we might receive replies and that would be amazing!

Messy garden

We absolutely love the messy garden! There is so much imagination on display: mud kitchens and cafes, bases, vehicles and battles (to name a few!)


Exploring place value in number

We are learning so much about Space through our cross-curricular topic. The mobile planetarium was a special highlight!

Then we decided on rules for our class charter… followed by a game of Splat!

Trying to take a class photo proved tricky!

Week 1: Getting to know each other!