Other Eco News



A huge well done to the Eco Group for achieving their 4th Green Flag under the most challenging of journeys.  The feedback we received was incredible.  A special thank you goes to P3C/H and P5M for taking on the role of Eco Working Group at very short notice during the pandemic when class bubbles meant that we couldn’t operate the group as normal.  You did everyone proud! 


This flag is very special to us as it reminds us of the resilience, determination and positivity shown by everyone to ensure that the great work continued despite the barriers caused by COVID-19.  

We are very proud to display our Green Flags in the Rotunda where everyone can see them

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Achievement Assembly 2020/21 Special Award Winners 


Friends of Hazlehead Environmental Enterprise Award 

This award, donated by Friends of Hazlehead, is given to an individual who has demonstrated an enterprising attitude considering the local environment in which they live.  This individual has taken the initiative to raise awareness of an environmental issue in their actions. 

Congratulations to this P5 pupil who is an active member of the school’s Eco Group.  She always speaks with passion, knowledge and conviction on a range of Eco topics.  She is very environmentally aware and is keen to be the change she wants to see in the world. 

Gathimba Edwards Community Responsibility Award 

This award, donated by Gathimba Edwards, is given to an individual who has demonstrated a commitment to the global community in which they live.  On their own initiative, this individual has taken responsibility to raise awareness of a global issue that is important to them.  

Congratulations to this P7 pupil created a fantastic presentation on Illegal Fishing as his response to the big question ‘How can we look after our planet?’  He spoke with confidence, knowledge and passion for the subject having been inspired by the Seaspiracy documentary on Netflix. 


School Shout Out from the Eco Group

When we hear of anyone doing something to promote our Eco Code, we make sure we give them a Shout Out in assembly to recognise and celebrate their independent achievements.  You can see these in the section below.  Well done!


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We Love Growing! 

Before the summer break, every class planted potatoes outside their classroom doors.  Mrs. Wraith, one of our PSAs, led the growing campaign with great results.  You can see how each class did by viewing the slideshow below. 

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Our New Planter Designs

If you use the running track on Hazlehead Avenue, you will have spotted our new planter designs.  If you don’t use the running track, why don’t you take the opportunity to go for a walk or a cycle to see these eyecatching planters.  Well done to our very talented artists who have really brightened up the local community with their words and pictures.  These planters have now been adopted by several of our families to maintain and they are already looking amazing, displaying a wide range of flowers and plants.  A huge thank you to those who have volunteered to help.

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