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AberDNA Junior

We are very fortunate to have close ties with Aberdeen FC Community Trust – Officially the best Football in the Community scheme in EUROPE (they should get another star on the shirts for their excellent work.)

As we are so close to Cormack Park Training Complex we are very proud of our local team.

You may already be aware but Aberdeen FC are currently running a campaign to raise awareness and increase numbers of our free u12 membership scheme “AberDNA Junior”. I have attached a presentation which gives an overview of AberDNA Junior and the benefits for members which includes complimentary match tickets when it is safe for supporters to return.

There are a number of competitions running just now, the main one is the opportunity to win an Adidas Football for every pupil at Hazlehead School! There will also be a prize  for the school with the highest percentage of sign ups, I believe around 70 pupils from the school have already signed up which is fantastic!

Sign up to #AberDNA Junior for free to vote for our school and you will also receive 2 free tickets when full crowds return to Pittodrie


The winners will be announced w/c 14th December, details are:-

 Individuals         ‘Win a squad number’ – every U12 who signs up will be entered into this draw and there will be 2 winners, 1 boy and 1 girl

New sign-ups as well as previously registered will be entered into these draws, no action needs to be taken

Schools               ‘Primary Schools Competition’ – it only takes 1 pupil to sign up and name their school for them to be in with a chance of winning an Adidas football for every child in their school

Previously registered U12’s will not have been asked to confirm the school they attend but they can now go back and add this by signing into the website or contacting the customer service team by calling 01224 631903

Complete details of the competitions are here:-

This video sums up the competition in 1 minute here –