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Thats Showbusiness…!!! But We Need Wardrobe Items…

The smell of the greasepaint…the roar of the crowd…

All our top actors started in School Plays before moving on…..and like all schools we have ZERO wardrobe budget.

For P1-P3 – The Magic Christmas Jigsaw We need

Traditional Nativity Costumes – all your standard characters/sheep/donkeys/stars…

For P4-P7 – Cinderella Rockerfella we need

  • 5 x fairy wings
  • 4 x tutus (net skirts for fairies)
  • 2 x leather jackets
  • 3 x bear costumes – onesie?
  • 1 x witch black cape/cloak
  • 1 x cat ears
  • 1 x baker’s hat

If you have ANY items which could help out, please can you drop these off at the School Office

Thank You so much…