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We Are Writers

Attention all Writers!

The Global Working group is working to publish a book of YOUR amazing writing.  Some of you wrote the most amazing stories for the 500 word competition and it would be great for you to have a bigger audience for all your efforts.

It can be a piece of writing you have already written, a new story, something written with a friend, or parent or grandparent.  Anyone from P1-P7 who has a great story, poem, article etc that they would like to see in a published book, please e-mail a typed and edited version of them to Ms Beard by WEDNESDAY, 18th MARCH.

Not only will you be a published author, but you will be a global citizen too.  Children from Rwanda are also writing poems to contribute to the book which helps them learn English.   Proceeds from the book will be used to buy suitable library books for their school.  They have no research books or Internet in their library and we can help them out.