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Week beginning 3rd June

We have had a very exciting week with our first Sports Day of Primary!!

Everyone had lots of fun taking part in the potted sports on the astro turf and the different races at the field.

It was great to see everyone taking part in all of the races!    Well done Primary 1!

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Also this week we have been continuing with our minibeast hunts. We had a look in the near by woods and in the schools’ Nature Garden to see what minibeasts we could find.


DSC01031 DSC01032 DSC01033 DSC01034 DSC01035 DSC01036 DSC01037 DSC01038 DSC01039 DSC01040 DSC01041 DSC01042 DSC01043 DSC01044 DSC01045     The damp weather brought out lots of different minibeasts we hadn’t seen before.

We even found a millipede!

It was sunnier on Thursday and we enjoyed using our magnifying glasses to look at the different plants and for minibeasts in the schools’ Nature Garden.

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