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Term 3 Update . . .

Hi,Sorry it’s been a while since you have heard from P3. The first few weeks of the term have flown by and now we would like to give you some of our news. On Friday afternoon we said goodbye to Mr Dickie, who has been with us since the start of the new year. He was presented with a lovely thank you card, full of our good wishes. We will miss Mr Dickie very much. He has helped us a lot and made our learning fun. We have been writing stories about Funnybones and poems about our senses as well as measuring many things and working on money problems. Mr Dickie also organised some really good active maths challenges and started off the Beebots Masterclass.

During the last week we have been busy working on a project about our senses. Each table was given a different sense and the challenge was to prepare a presentation for the P1 classes and teach them some of the things we had discovered. A wide range of ideas included poems, songs, chants, posters, mind-maps and dramas. It was good to have an audience for whom to perform. Many of us found it easier to present as part of a group than it had been for our individual talks. These were based on our homework task, researching a part of the body. Both of these tasks have helped us focus on using eye-contact to engage with our audience, and speaking with a clear voice so everyone can hear the information properly.

Have a refreshing few days off; hope it’s a lot of fun. See you on Thursday!